Risk and Technology

Risk Management Technology

Management Audit Consulting Ltd (MACL) is the Authorised Distributor of Risk Wizard Risk Management Software in the Eastern Africa Region.  Risk Wizard and MACL provide implementation, training, and consulting services in harmony with the software to ensure the client receives a seamless solution.

Risk Wizard, www.riskwizard.com, are suppliers of Risk, Compliance and Incident Management software that helps business manage their risks, strengthen their compliance processes, reduce their incidents and maintain tighter operational and strategic control.

What is Risk Wizard?

Risk Wizard is a web-based browser system that provides any employee, regardless of their location, easy access therefore enabling responsibility for managing risk, compliance and incidents to be shared across an entire organisation.

The software provides businesses with a centralized information system that replicates frameworks and work processes enabling risk, control and incident related data to be easily logged, managed and dealt with.  It provides an automated framework for recording, tracking and correcting workplace incidents, near misses, compliance breaches, injuries, asset damage, complaints and financial loss.

The software, therefore, provides a wealth of information and analysis for supporting your organisation through better decision making and management of your organisation’s strategic objectives, risks, compliance obligations and incidents.